Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Under the Sea....

For the first time in years, I was able to go snorkeling this past weekend. Many of you have been lucky to have been diving or at the very least snorkeling. I grew up in a home where SCUBA was a big deal. My dad actually wrote did tons of research on SCUBA and was pretty well-established in the diving world of Southern California. I mean, I have seen a book he wrote strictly on the propeltion of fins for diving.
Although I was not certified, I did lots of diving cause my dad trained me to dive from an early age. Some people may say thats sketchy, but he was very experienced and knew exactly what he was doing. I never did anything to gnarly though.
If you have never been in the ocean and had the opportunity to explore, you must! Its truely the only place on earth where we can go and actually totally "submerge" outself into a whole other world. Amazing! How lucky are we?!

1 comment:

Ofie's Elite Physiques said...

I went scuba for the first time when i was in CR in May and it was awesome! So awesome that the dude said we were under water for 50 min and I thought he said 15 min, because that's what it felt like!