Thursday, October 26, 2006

Something to think about...

People say there are two things you should never talk about with people you just meet:
1) Politics
2) Religion

I have a third...RACE! Dont talk about race....not a good thing.
Although I will never know what its like to be white, there is no way in hell a white person can even imagine what its like to be a minority. Problem is that I have surrounded myself with smart people. People that AREN't racist, but because they are smart, they think they know whats up.
Maybe some of them do, but come on...have you ever had someone make slanted eyes gestures towards you? Have you ever had someone talk slowly to you because there's just no way I know how to speak Engrish.
I am the lone asian in an all white crowd. They dont look at me as Korean, they say, but I look at myself as Korean and I think I stick out very obviously in a sea of pale skin.

Perhaps I created my own problems. Maybe I need to socialize with more asians...
We can all try and say that we love each other, color has no barriers, etc...we need to work on it big time and not pretend to think we know what its like, and instead, admit that we are all ignorant sometimes.

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