Thursday, September 28, 2006

Planning for the best camping trip ever...

Well, its just sorta camping. The final preps are being planned for the 2nd Annual Lake Sonoma Flotilla. we have reached our capacity/goal of 50 people for this trip.
Planning for 50 people, let alone 50 squirly people is a VERY difficult task. Having limited spaces and locations that can accomodate that many people can be a daunting task, but knowing how much fun we are gonna have as a crew is worth every second of it!
I have reserved a private campsite that is located in a Redwood Grove and only accessible by boat. We also have 2 pontoon boats and 1 ski boat with a wakeboard, ski's, and a tube. We will def be able to get our groove on being so secluded on a lake.

I decided to bail out on Vegoose this year. Its too expensive...but the lineup looks incredible. Looks like I only have Hawaii and a possible trip to Phoenix in the plans for the rest of the year.

Haven't had much time to write lately, but its been a drama filled past couple of weeks.
Dont forget...Hasselhoff rules!

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